
Delilah C. Goode, M.Ed., T&PI, GCDF

Office: (864) 279-6950


Global Career Development/Work Based Learning Specialist

College and Career Exploration is all about learning what your interests, abilities, personality, talents and skills are through career guidance services. Career guidance services include interest skills and values assessments, job shadowing opportunities, internships, youth apprenticeships and cooperative learning opportunities that support choosing a cluster and major within the curriculum frameworks, as part of your annual Individual Graduation Plan Conference.

Your educational programs and experience are enhanced through participation in Work-Based Learning activities. No matter what your career goals might be and regardless of the skills and talents you possess, you should participate in activities that enhance the likelihood that you will make well-informed career choices. Participation in Work-Based Learning activities inside and outside the classroom will help you make choices about careers that include careful consideration of your abilities.

I am so excited for the opportunity to work with YOU our students, as well as your parents. I look forward to helping you while you are here at DMTC, as well as prepare for life after DMTC.

How To Partner With DMTC

Benefits: Your company can tap into the innovative ideas and fresh perspectives of DMTC students, fostering a dynamic exchange of knowledge. Such collaborations not only support the growth and development of the students but also strengthen the connection between education and industry, forging a collaborative alliance that strengthens the workforce of the future.

WHY: Partnering with Daniel Morgan Technology Center, your organization can gain access to a diverse pool of talented students who are actively engaged in career-focused education. This partnership facilitates the development of hands-on learning experiences, mentorship programs, and internships, allowing businesses to contribute to the educational journey of aspiring professionals.

How can you partner?

Daniel Morgan Technology Center is committed to building strong partnerships with businesses throughout Spartanburg County to the betterment of our community. If you are interested in partnering with us, please consider the following areas to get involved:

  •         Serving on an advisory committee for one of our 17 program areas

  •         Offering on-site work-based learning experiences.

    • Our work-based learning program combines classroom-based education with on-the-job training experiences to help students prepare for and explore career objectives.

  •        Offering on-site job shadowing

  •         Speaking to a group of students about your business (Classroom speaker)

  •         Sponsor student field trip

  •         Facilities/Capital Improvement (technology,

  •         Becoming a scholarship sponsor

  •         Donating equipment or supplies

  •         Sponsor students' fees for certification exams or enrollments

  •         Hire students trained in specific career pathways as paid interns

To partner with DMTC, click our Business Partnership Form and complete our very short application.

Career Specialists Spartanburg School Districts 3 and 7

Spartanburg Three

Career Specialist


Broome High School

Clifdale Middle School

Stephanie Peak

Spartanburg Seven



Carver Middle School

Lisa Kerns (Shared)

McCracken Middle School

Lisa Kerns (Shared)

Spartanburg High School

Addie B. Jones